What are some things that help relieve the symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)? PCOS is a hormonal disturbance seen in upto 5-10% of women in reproductive age and hence is a common problem. A significant proportion of women with PCOS are overweight or obese which worsens the problem. The first step in the management of PCOS are change in lifestyle to help achieve weight loss if obese as this reduces the symptoms of PCOS. If any other specific issues like infertilit y are present these have to be addressed too. When weight reaches normal range in many women the periods become normal. The structure of the ovary is Polycystic which means there are many small eggs in the ovary which gives an appearance of being polycystic. Polycystic ovary on its own is not an issue only if associated with irregular cycles and increase in male hormones and overweight need to be addressed. Read more about PCOS: https://mothertobe.in/polycystic-ovary-syndrome-pcos-and-f…/
How successful is IVF? In general, with one cycle of IVF, the pregnancy rate is around 50% in good clinics. However, the cumulative pregnancy rate after 3 cycles of IVF is very good. Factors that affect IVF Success IVF is a multi-step process and couples who are about to undergo IVF have concerns regarding their individual chances of success and here are some factors which influence the success rates! AGE Female age is the most important factor which influences the success rates of IVF. Female age is an important factor in influencing the chances of natural conception or following any fertility treatment be it IUI or IVF. Though the success rates with IVF is high in women less than 35 years of age, even as women ages the maximum chance of conception is only after following IVF treatment compared to other treatments. INDICATION FOR IVF Certain indications such as male factor, anovulation (PCOS), tubal disease and endometriosis have better rates of success with IVF compared to coup...