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Showing posts from June, 2019
What are some things that help relieve the symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)? PCOS is a hormonal disturbance seen in upto 5-10% of women in reproductive age and hence is a common problem. A significant proportion of women with PCOS are overweight or obese which worsens the problem. The first step in the management of PCOS are change in lifestyle to help achieve weight loss if obese as this reduces the symptoms of PCOS. If any other specific issues like infertilit y are present these have to be addressed too. When weight reaches normal range in many women the periods become normal. The structure of the ovary is Polycystic which means there are many small eggs in the ovary which gives an appearance of being polycystic. Polycystic ovary on its own is not an issue only if associated with irregular cycles and increase in male hormones and overweight need to be addressed. Read more about PCOS:…/
How successful is IVF? In general, with one cycle of IVF, the pregnancy rate is around 50% in good clinics. However, the cumulative pregnancy rate after 3 cycles of IVF is very good. Factors that affect IVF Success IVF is a multi-step process and couples who are about to undergo IVF have concerns regarding their individual chances of success and here are some factors which influence the success rates! AGE Female age is the most important factor which influences the success rates of IVF. Female age is an important factor in influencing the chances of natural conception or following any fertility treatment be it IUI or IVF. Though the success rates with IVF is high in women less than 35 years of age, even as women ages the maximum chance of conception is only after following IVF treatment compared to other treatments. INDICATION FOR IVF Certain indications such as male factor, anovulation (PCOS), tubal disease and endometriosis have better rates of success with IVF compared to coup...
What is the difference between IVF and ICSI? In IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), the fertility specialist removes eggs from the ovary and fertilizes them with the partner’s sperm, in the laboratory. The eggs and sperm unite and the resultant embryos (fertilized eggs) are then transferred to the uterus. ICSI-Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection is a technique by which a single sperm is injected into the egg to aid the fertilisation process to make the embryo (fertilised egg). There  are 2 ways to fertilise the eggs in the laboratory. The conventional insemination-IVF in which the eggs and sperm are mixed in a petri dish and the sperm spontaneously enter the egg to bring about fertilisation. However, in certain situations such as low sperm count when normal fertilisation may not occur, ICSI is done to facilitate fertilisation. Read more about ICSI…/intracytoplasmic-sperm-injection-i…/
IVF is indeed one of the expensive procedures , and it is imperative to understand the procedure. Since IVF demands stimulation for improving egg growth, it needs periodic hormone injections. But we can take some steps to make them a bit more affordable. It is imperative that you choose your fertility specialist with care. Look at their reviews and success rates. Speak to their team and check their lab out. A state of the art laboratory with expert t echnicians may look expensive, but their technology and expertise should help you achieve your goal faster. We speak to our patients at length, identifying latent factors that could be cause of failures in future. The cost of IVF varies from case to case. You can get an estimate for the cost of IVF here:
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis The technique of identifying genetic defects in embryos created through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) before pregnancy is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis or PGD. It is especially used when one or both sets of parents have a known genetic marker that can result in genetic disease in the baby or/and the couple already have an affected baby so that a healthy offspring can be born.…/preimplantation-genetic-diagnosis/
Preimplantation Genetic Screening for improved success in pregnancy Preimplantation genetic screening or PGS (also often known as aneuploidy screening) is a procedure in which the embryos created through Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) are examined for chromosomal abnormalities. Pregnancies where embryos show chromosomal abnormalities often end in miscarriages or could result in conditions such as Down Syndrome.…/preimplantation-genetic-screening/
Laser Assisted Hatching Procedure for pregnancy after 40  Laser Assisted Hatching: The outer shell of the egg is called Zona Pellucida. Hatching is the process in which the embryo herniates out of the outer shell of the egg. Failure of the embryo to hatch may be one of the factors associated with implantation failure.
Age and Fertility to extend fertility in women by freezing eggs Age specific fertility rate in women always declines as the age of the woman increases. It has become increasingly common for women to choose to start a family later in life. Most often it is the pressure to become independent and have a career before starting a family. We also understand that for some it is a personal choice, for others health issues require postponing pregnancy.
There is no fixed formula to guarantee your fertility, many people are relieved to find out that there are some steps they can take to enhance their chances of getting pregnant.
How successful is IVF? In general, with one cycle of IVF, the pregnancy rate is around 50% in good clinics. However, the cumulative pregnancy rate after 3 cycles of IVF is very good. Factors that affect IVF Success IVF is a multi-step process and couples who are about to undergo IVF have concerns regarding their individual chances of success and here are some factors which influence the success rates! for more details
Who is a Fertility Specialist? Doctors play a significant role in everyone’s life, and if you are planning to start your family but experiencing some problems, it is best to understand who can help you the most and in a timely manner. Every facet of medicine has a specialist, and the same goes for addressing fertility issues, we call them  “Fertility Specialists” .

How common is female infertility?

Infertility/subfertility is a very common problem all over the world and one in 6 couples suffer from sub-fertility issues. Out of all infertility cases almost 40% can be due to male factor infertility. However, most of the subfertility issues are treatable and we are able to help more than 9 out of 10 couples who seek help for fertility issues. So the advice is to see a good fertility specialist so that the issues are sorted out.